The performing arts are a vital component of our PACARTS program. All students are encouraged to experiment on stage at some point along their high school journey and receive experience and mentoring in the fields of acting, dance, music, and vocal performance. With two professional-level productions and several smaller showcases throughout the year, there are many opportunities for creative expression both before an audience and behind the scenes as a member of the technical crew.

Mainstage Productions

The PACARTS department produces two mainstage theatrical shows every year. Students have the opportunity to become triple threats in the fall musical by developing their acting, singing, and dancing skills. In the Spring, students press further into the art of acting with a mainstage play performed in front of live audiences. Theatrical seasons at 十大信誉网堵首页 align with a three-year thematic cycle, which includes a year of contrasting comedies, a year of contrasting classics, and a year of contrasting dramas. This cycle ensures a diverse experience throughout a student’s high school career. The three-year repetition also allows seniors to evaluate their progress over their careers by revisiting the theme from their freshman year. 

Most IMPROV(ed)

Most Improv(ed) is the longest running, student-lead program at 十大信誉网堵首页 where students explore and develop skills in improvisational comedy. This club focuses on igniting a passion for improv by providing opportunities for all students to get involved, regardless of their talent or experience. Most Improv(ed) consists of both a club and an advanced troupe. The club is open to any students interested in forming a comedic community at 十大信誉网堵首页. Those who want to take their experience to another level then have the opportunity to audition for the troupe and perform in the annual Improv Charity Event.

PACARTS Edinburgh Travel

十大信誉网堵首页’s tradition of attending the Edinburgh Fringe Festival is alive and well. Every three years the PACARTS department takes students to Scotland and London. They converge with performers and audiences from around the world to participate in the arts. When they go, not only do they get an authentic UK experience but they get to perform on the world stage! It’s a trip of a lifetime!

PACARTS’ theater troupe at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.