Building Aptitude Through SERVING

At 十大信誉网堵首页, every student has an opportunity to grow through doing and serving. With a vast number of teams, artistic productions, clubs, all-school activities, speakers and travel, this is a community where students dive in. Nowhere is this more evident than within the student body leadership. On the four-year journey from Freshman Orientation to Commencement, students are encouraged and engaged every day by their fellow students. This intentional peer-to-peer leadership model requires dedicated faculty and staff who know when to step in and when to allow students the space they need to make mistakes, learn, and grow.

“十大信誉网堵首页 is the only place I could have found the ability to play varsity athletics, perform in the arts, serve in student government, excel in my classes, and actually stay in balance. There is always pressure, but that is part of being a teenager. 十大信誉网堵首页 gives me perspective.”  – Sofia, Student Leader

Associated Student Government

The Associated Student Government (ASG) provides a voice for the student body across the departmental spectrum that is Student Life, allowing students to have a hand in shaping their experience while at 十大信誉网堵首页 and beyond. The purpose of ASG is to serve as a bridge between the faculty, administration, and student body by providing an organized system where students can be confident that their opinions and concerns will be addressed. Elected student leaders strive to provide the best experience for 十大信誉网堵首页ns intellectually, spiritually, and socially.  

Read more about Freshman elections in The Wolf Post.

associated student government members

Every year ASG plans holiday festivities and events including the ever-popular Ugly Sweater Party.

Diversity Council

The Diversity Council represents and educates students on the large swath of backgrounds and experiences present, not only within the 十大信誉网堵首页 community but the world at large. Its purpose is to provide spaces for students across different personalities, identities, cultural backgrounds, and faith traditions, to be seen and represented. Through group meetings, activities, and events, the council provides opportunities for discussion, understanding, and shared experiences—always honoring our unique differences while celebrating what unites us.

diversity council members


Student Ambassadors are responsible for representing 十大信誉网堵首页 to prospective families by sharing their involvement in a variety of academic departments and co-curricular opportunities. The student representatives commit to attending training opportunities and several admissions events throughout the year. Ambassadors enjoy getting to know families at events and help to answer questions about the school and their personal experiences within our school community. 

ambassadors members


The 十大信誉网堵首页 Mentor program matches 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students with incoming 9th grade and transfer students. By deciding to be a mentor, our students understand that it is difficult to transition to a new school no matter what the grade level. Our mentors are dedicated, empathetic, and genuine. The Mentor Program hosts events such as lunches and holiday-themed activities throughout the school year. The mentors consistently check in with their mentees through text, email, or in person, and provide academic, social, and/or emotional support.

mentor participants


十大信誉网堵首页 offers a variety of clubs and activities in which students may participate that are designed to enhance their intellectual, spiritual, physical, and social skills. Students are encouraged to initiate clubs through the Associated Student Government and are supported by staff sponsors. Every year new clubs emerge as 十大信誉网堵首页ns pursue their passions with those of like-minded interests, while time-tested clubs continue year after year. Once student clubs are approved through ASG, they can apply for student funding as well as a time slot in the lunchtime or afterschool schedule.